- 06.2006
- 06.2006
- 02.2006
- 10.10.2005
- 10.2005
- 09.2005
- 07.2005
- 05.2005
- 03.2005
- 03.2005
- 02.2005
- Lawcrossing.com, 02.2005
- 01.2005
- 07.2004
- The National Law Journal, 06.2004
- 05.2004
- 05.01.2004
- National Law Journal, 03.2004
- 01.2004
- 12.2003
- The Miami Herald, 12.2003
- 10.2003
- The National Law Journal, 06.2003
- 05.2003
- 01.2003
- 08.2002
- American Lawyer Media, 05.2002
- 03.2002
- Chicago Magazine, 03.2002
- The National Law Journal, 02.2002
- The American Lawyer, 01.2002
- 12.2001
- 11.2001
- 10.10.2001
- Tribune staff reporter, 10.2001
- 10.2001
- Department of Justice—For Immediate Release, 08.2001
- USA Today, 07.2001
- Small Business Computing, 04.2001
- April/May 2001, Law Office Computing, 04.2001
- 03.13.2001
- 02.2001
- 12.2000
- The Mobile Lawyer (a supplement to the American Lawyer), 12.2000
- CNN.com.law center, 11.2000
- Canadian Lawyer, 09.2000
- Lawyers Weekly USA, 08.2000
- Chicago Sun-Times, 08.2000
- 08.2000
- The New York Times on the Web, 08.2000