- Reprinted from: Law.com: Technology & The Law, 08.2000
- 07.2000
- 07.2000
- The National Law Journal, 06.2000
- Internet Patent News Service, 06.2000
- The National Law Journal, 06.2000
- Northwestern University Report, 04.2000
- American Lawyer Media, 03.2000
- 01.2000
- 01.2000
- Law Business Research, 01.2000
- Heritage Media Corporation, 01.2000
- Reprinted from: Euromoney Legal Media Group, 01.2000
- National Post, 12.1999
- 11.1999
- The National Law Journal, 11.1999
- The Denver Business Journal, 08.1999
- Corporate Counsel, 07.1999
- 06.1999
- 06.1999
- ABA Journal, 06.1999
- The National Law Journal, 04.1999
- 10.10.1998
- The Wichita Eagle, 04.1998
- The National Law Journal, 04.1998
- The Trial Lawyer's Guide, 01.1998
- 10.10.1997
- The National Law Journal, 09.1997
- The National Law Journal, 04.1997
- 03.1997
- The National Law Journal, 03.1997
- Forbes, 12.1996
- 10.10.1996
- 05.1996
- Illinois Legal Times, 01.1996
- The American Lawyer, 12.1995
- The National Law Journal, 07.24.1995
- 10.10.1994
- The National Law Journal, 07.1994
- 04.1994